Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Calendar in Singapore for October 2024

October 2024 Team Building Activity Guide

Oct 1: World Vegetarian Day

Suggested activities: vegetarian cooking demo, go vegetarian challenge

Celebrate World Vegetarian Day at the workplace by showcasing the diverse and delicious world of vegetarian cuisine. Host a vegetarian food fair featuring a variety of meat-free dishes from different cultures, organise cooking demonstrations or workshops focused on vegetarian cooking techniques, and encourage colleagues to explore the health and environmental benefits of a vegetarian diet. Let's use this day to celebrate the abundance of plant-based foods and promote sustainable and compassionate eating habits for a healthier planet.

Oct 1: International Coffee Day

Suggested activities: coffee appreciation workshop, coffee brewing classes

Elevate the workday with the rich aroma of coffee on International Coffee Day. Set up a cozy coffee corner, organize tasting sessions, and encourage colleagues to share their favourite brews. Let the love for coffee foster connections, making the workplace buzz with caffeine-infused camaraderie.

Oct 1: International Music Day

Suggested activities: music appreciation workshop, music making activity, office musical talent show

Celebrate International Music Day at the workplace by harmonising colleagues' talents and interests. Host music-themed events such as karaoke competitions, live performances, or collaborative jam sessions. Encourage colleagues to share their favourite songs or playlists, fostering a vibrant and inclusive musical atmosphere. Let's unite through the universal language of music, enhancing creativity, well-being, and camaraderie in the workplace.

Oct 1: International Day of Older Persons

Suggested activities: honour senior colleagues and advocate for intergenerational learning

Celebrate the International Day of Older Persons at the workplace by honouring the wisdom and contributions of senior colleagues. Organise appreciation events, such as storytelling sessions or mentorship programmes, where older employees can share their experiences and insights. Foster an inclusive environment that values diversity and promotes intergenerational learning and collaboration. Let's recognise and appreciate the wealth of knowledge and experience that older persons bring to our workplace community.

Oct 4: Children’s Day

Suggested activities: child at work day, parent-child excursions

Transform the workplace into a playground of joy on Children’s Day. Organise fun activities, decorate the office with vibrant colours, and encourage colleagues to share childhood memories. Embrace the spirit of innocence, creating a lively atmosphere that celebrates the child within every team member.

Oct 8: World Dyslexia Awareness Day

Suggested activities: info and sharing sessions

Mark World Dyslexia Awareness Day by promoting understanding and empathy in the workplace. Organise informational sessions, share resources, and create an inclusive environment that supports individuals with dyslexia. Through awareness and education, foster a workplace that values neurodiversity.

Oct 10: World Mental Health Day

Suggested activities: wellbeing activities, talks

On World Mental Health Day, emphasise the importance of well-being at work. Organise mindfulness sessions, provide mental health resources, and encourage open conversations. Foster a supportive workplace culture that recognises and prioritises mental health, ensuring a positive and compassionate environment.

Oct 10: World Sight Day

Suggested activities: eye care workshops, vision screenings

Highlight the importance of eye health on World Sight Day. Organise eye care workshops, offer vision screenings, and create a visually stimulating workplace. By promoting awareness and fostering a culture of eye health, contribute to the well-being of your team members.

Oct 15: Global Handwashing Day

Suggested activities: handwashing info sessions

Promote health and hygiene in the workplace by observing Global Handwashing Day. Organise informative sessions, provide hand sanitisers, and encourage regular handwashing to maintain a healthy environment.

Oct 16: World Food Day

Suggested activities: food tasting, vendor pop-up

Transform the workplace into a global feast on World Food Day. Organise multicultural potlucks, share food stories, and engage in discussions about global food challenges. Foster a culture of gratitude and awareness, celebrating the diversity of cuisines that bring people together.

Oct 20: World Osteoporosis Day

Suggested activities: health talk, sports activity, nutrition talk

Promote bone health and awareness on World Osteoporosis Day. Organise informational sessions, encourage physical activities, and provide resources on bone-friendly nutrition. Create a workplace that values skeletal well-being, ensuring strong foundations for the health of your team.

Oct 31: Deepavali / Diwali

Suggested activities: cultural sharing, craft making workshops

Illuminate the workplace with the spirit of Diwali. Decorate with colourful lights, share festive treats, and encourage colleagues to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness. Create a joyous atmosphere that honours the cultural diversity and traditions of Diwali.

Oct 31: Halloween

Suggested activities: halloween costume party, trick or treat activity

Infuse a touch of spookiness into the office on Halloween. Encourage colleagues to dress up, organise a themed office party, and share eerie treats. Embrace the playful spirit of Halloween, creating a festive atmosphere that sparks creativity and camaraderie.

Entire Month: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Suggested activities: awareness talks and fundraising

Deck the workplace in pink to honour Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Organise educational sessions, share resources, and participate in fundraising activities to support breast cancer research. Foster a supportive and caring environment that stands united against breast cancer.

Entire Month: ADHD Awareness Month

Suggested activities: awareness talks, info sessions

Mark ADHD Awareness Month by promoting understanding and acceptance in the workplace. Organise informative sessions, share resources, and create an inclusive environment that supports individuals with ADHD. Through awareness and empathy, foster a workplace that values neurodiversity.

Entire Month: Vegetarian Awareness Month

Suggested activities: awareness talks, cooking classes, vegetarian challenge

Celebrate Vegetarian Awareness Month at the workplace by raising awareness about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. Throughout the month, organise educational seminars, cooking classes, and film screenings to highlight the health, environmental, and ethical reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet. Encourage colleagues to try meat-free meals and explore plant-based alternatives together. Let's use this month as an opportunity to inspire others to make informed and sustainable food choices that benefit both themselves and the planet.

Looking to book an activity for your team in October? Reach us here.

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